Sunday, November 27, 2011

NBA Lock-Out Over but All Over Social Media

The NBA lock-out is finally over! Thunder up! With the lock-out ending I started to check the two main social media sites to see what fans and players were saying. The minute the lock-out ending my Twitter timeline, and Facebook newsfeed where covered in Thunder fans and Thunder players talking about how happy they were for basketball to be back. Social media is one of the best things for sports, we really see how many fans you have or not in the social media world!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

If You Use Facebook And Twitter, Be careful!

Using Facebook and Twitter is a great way to keep up friends, find information and using it for your business. As a college student and future employee of a company, I know I have to be careful about what goes on Facebook and what I say on Twitter. As I read through my news feed on Facebook and my time line on Twitter, and I see what some people are saying I begin to wonder if they think before they post. People need to consider that if they want to get a good job they need to be careful about how they're presenting themselves because your future employers can find everything you post and I don't think you want future employers to see pictures of drinking or see a lot cussing or anything that makes you look bad. I think the younger generation needs to take more into consideration about the image and presentation they give online.