Sunday, September 25, 2011

Facebook Using Adverting Modestly

Facebook came out with a new look this week and many people have been expressing whether they like the new look or not. This new look brought to my attention how Facebook since the beginning has done a good job having adverting on their page but not overwhelming the page. I think Facebook has done an amazing job of not crossing the line to make people feel like they're being sold every time they log in their page. This is important for adverting on pages like Facebook, the user does not want to feel like they are being marketed. Facebook could easily fill their page with ads and make more money but I feel this would push people away from it. I think finding a good blend between the information on your page and the ads on your page are very important in this new wave on adverting on the internet.


  1. I know personally that I shy away from any websites that have lots of ads for several reasons. One they can easily get in the way of what you are actually trying to look at (especially the pop-up variety) and I usually feel like my computer is going to be infected with viruses and spyware every second I sit on a page with lots of this kind of advertising.

    Not to mention that it would be a little creepy for ads directed sharply at you to be popping up all over the place. I agree with you I think that Facebook has struck a nice balance of specific target directed ads without turning off the users or otherwise annoying them.

  2. I agree that Facebook has been really good with their ads. Since they are all on the sides of the page, it's not overwhelming or super annoying like pop up ones. I think a lot of them pick up key words and "likes" because most of the ones that come up on my page deal with something I like (usually). I think it's kind of annoying when I see statuses where people complain about the clutter of Facebook... since everything not pertaining to them directly is on the side of the page it's really easy not to even notice it. I think they do a great job of getting ads that are not annoying or everywhere.

  3. This was talked about on the movie, "The Social Network." At one point in the movie, Zuckerberg was being pushed to sell a large amount of advertising in order to make more money. From the beginning, Zuckerberg said that he wanted Facebook to be very basic with limited advertising. I think this was a good move because Facebook is a website where too much advertising would be annoying. In fact, I think that if Facebook allowed too much advertising, it would create a competitive opportunity for a company to create a similar social media site with less advertising.

  4. You may want to fix the typo in your title. :) It's a little creepy how Facebook ads are so tailored to you, but they're pretty much genius. The users have no idea how effective this method of advertising really is. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Josh!
