Sunday, October 9, 2011

All We Need Is Facebook.

A friend of mine today told me, "nothing is official until it's on Facebook." As I laughed at what she said I started to really think about it. As a 22 year old college student, and growing up in "internet age" I started to think how I get my news. I couldn't tell you the last time I watched the news or read the newspaper but I can tell I'm on Facebook at least once a day. Facebook is a source of news now. This is how I found out about the death of Steve Jobs, and the new iphone. Good or bad news the chances of one your friends saying something about it or it being on Facebook somewhere are very high. 
After thinking about this some more as a business student I started thinking about the importance of this for a business. The younger generation that has grown up with things like the internet and Facebook, are going to use tools like this to get their news and information. This brings up the thought about how important it is for companies to keep up the times and understand that the need use social media as a marketing and public relations tool for their business. If a business is trying to reach an audience that is under the age of 50 I would highly recommend they use Facebook and keep people updated with what is going on. If it is on Facebook the people who want to find it, will find it! To me all a company really needs is just a simple page with updates about your company, and what your company is all about. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with this! I hear all sorts of news on social media sites and I think not only is it beneficial, but it's imperative that companies have social media sites. Even my dad will call me and be like, "Torrie guess what I just saw on Facebook?! ..... (whatever the big news is)" it's so popular for people of the past couple generations and definitely growing. I hate when I'm trying to look up contact information and the company doesn't have a Facebook (or worse, a website). In order to do business and be known companies need to have an Internet presence.
